Capture Life Photography has an amazing group of teens from schools all around! Our first Teen Team began the summer of 2021. CLP’s Teen Team strives to always put a smile on your face, and we hope to always do so with our photos. To find out what the CLP Teen Team really is, you first need to learn what we stand for, and what we do.

Teen Team 2021/2022
The goal for Teen Team is to promote kindness, positivity, and inclusion, while building camaraderie between our local schools. We always want everyone to feel welcome and supported in our presence. Our hope is that our kindness will spread to others and create a chain reaction. It was very important to Davinda when starting the Teen Team, to find a group of teens that could be looked up to as role models. On the Teen Team, we try to set a good example for the generation to come and give the generations before us a look at who we are becoming. CLP has given Teen Team members the opportunity to show the world who we are, and what we stand for, so we try our best to do exactly that. In addition to our community goals, some personal goals have also been set for the new Teen Team and that is promoting confidence and self-love within ourselves.

As a group, Teen Team participates in themed photo shoots that will be remembered for years to come. All it takes is just one moment, one action, or one smile, to change the whole course of someone’s day. Through the beautiful art of photography, Davinda captures all the right moments. Just the right time of a smile or a laugh, and there is a stunning, and magnetic moment that has been captured for forever.
Last year we did many different shoots like playing in a sunflower field, eating ice cream at our local ice cream parlor, and going to the county fair! Each of these events have resulted in the most amazing photos, and new friendships.
We have so much more planned for the future. The new season and group of teens came aboard in the beginning of June and have already started making a difference in their schools and communities. CLP and the Teen Team are so excited for what’s to come. Watch for our trendy new TEEN TEAM TUESDAY blogs where we will feature all the fun group shoots we've done and where we will feature our teens individually as well.
Until next time, EGMC

Teen Team 2022/2023